Property Overview


Describe your specific investment opportunity to investors, with relevant information about your project, including photos, financial projections, future plans and biographies of your team. You provide the raw data, and we’ll help you put it all together.





We can help you describe your specific investment opportunity to investors using our copy editing and graphic design services in a printable, color, 10- to 16-page Property Overview. We’ll help you explain to potential investors relevant information about the project, including what they’re investing in, where it is, how you propose to generate a return, and what you plan to do to make it all happen. We’ll insert your sources and uses of funds tables, financial projections, and proposed exit strategies in a format that investors will understand. We will even do up to 2 hours of market research and include a synopsis in your Property Overview. You provide the spreadsheets and let us tell the story. All Property Overviews are prepared by skilled professional editors and graphic designers and reviewed by an experienced Corporate Securities Attorney. Your lump-sum fee includes up to 3 rounds of revision; additional time is billed at $200/hour. We can also provide a digital flipbook version of the Property Overview that can be embedded on your website or hosted on ours.

The purpose of your Property Overview is to help you explain your offering to your investors in plain English – before you lay 120-140 pages of legal documents on them. This document is designed to be an Exhibit to a Private Placement Memorandum and a standalone marketing piece for your Private Placement Offering. It does not replace any of the legal documents required for such an offering.

Anticipated timeframe from start to finish: 1-3 weeks